Yukiko TAKADA artworks

    2012 Inovation of Image group exhibition

    2011 ON ONESELF scene1 group exhibition
    script script not-clock not-clock

    Exhibition scenery ON ONESELF Exhibition scenery ON ONESELF Exhibition scenery ON ONESELF Exhibition scenery part of script part of script

    2011 "Homage to Antiquity" -Akira Koie and Yukiko Takada exhibition-
    sentence_no kaze untitled untitled tsuchi sentence

    Exhibition scenery Homage to Antiquity Exhibition scenery Homage to Antiquity Exhibition scenery Homage to Antiquity Exhibition scenery

    2011 solo exhibition "monogram to boundary"(
    matsuba monogram yamabuki matsuba mizuasagi mizuasagi yamabuki matsuba matsuba matsuba yamabuki matsuba mizuasagi yamabuki kodaimurasaki matsuba matsuba kodaimurasaki紫 hiwada

    2010 "mojikaku hitotachi" movie


    2010 "wallpainting" group exhibition
    indoor indoor indoor indoor indoor indoor indoor indoor indoor indoor n n sizuku autumn nijimi

    2010 solo exhibition "DIVE"
    DIVE dive dive Dive Dive fukakumogure fukakumogure fukakumogure fukakumogure nagare nagare no no no like a no

    2010 ArtcompeX
    gathering no

    2009 "Japan Belgium Letter_Arts Exhibition"

    "Japan Belgium Letter_Arts Exhibition" Exhibition scenery Japan Belgium Letter_Arts Exhibition Exhibition scenery

    no no no no keizoku

    "Dokuritsu Syojindan Association Exhibition"
    sumu yu

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